Heather Sharp
Ability to add header to agendas
Vance Oakes
Ability to change agenda format to use arabic numbers, bullet points or alphabet letters instead of roman numerals for each agenda item.
Heather Sharp
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Make agenda building efficient again :)
Rich Boulet
I just used the Agenda Builder to build our meeting agenda, which is given to me in Word format. It probably took me 30 or more minutes to do what used to take maybe 5 minutes. In the olden days I was able to copy/paste the agenda and then edit within that field. I would like that to be an option again as I found that to be more efficient. Thank you. :)
Heather Sharp
Ability for multi-day agendas with headers/sections that clearly show different dates.
Winn Jewett
Hi Rich, It's still possible to copy-paste from a Word document into the agenda builder. Let's connect some time so we can show you how to do this!
Rich Boulet
Winn Jewett: I would love to learn more about this. Please reach out when you can. Thanks!
Rich Boulet
Winn Jewett: Can we connect about this today? Thanks.
Heather Sharp
Ability to add an organization's own custom header/footer to the Agenda Builder tool.
Heather Sharp
Have the paperclip (doc upload) option in the text edit feature for when the doc doesn't have a URL.
Heather Sharp
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Edit file names in Agendas & Minutes
Heather Sharp
Ability to edit the file name (remove pdf, etc).
Heather Sharp
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Discussion Section
Marklyne Joachim
A place where Board members can submit questions
Heather Sharp
Marklyne Joachim are you imagining this inside a meeting agenda/minutes, or another place?
Marklyne Joachim
Heather Sharp: hopefully in the meeting section there would be a discussion area on the packet. More than happy to set up a meeting to talk about this
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